
五点三十七分, 我看着这个时间,再想到逝去的时间,突然开始觉得有一点不舍,突然很感伤一天的离去。

不知道为什么你非要纠缠一个我早已没有任何感觉的人,是一时的无聊,还是真的有不安的地方? 可你总不会生活得和我一样,忐忑,猜疑,虽然并没有任何事可以再介意,可还是忍不住地想来想去。

看到那两个人在一起,我心里突然有种说不出来的感觉,应该说是觉得那画面美好,像四月的阳光照耀着还不太温暖的清晨,空气里夹杂着青草与路水的气息。 不知道两个太文艺的人在一起会不会太矫情, 可这矫情里也应该会透出某种简单的和谐干。希望他们的美好可以一直这样下去。


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当我看到Van Cleef & Arpels的新设计,我不禁想到了生活中很多可爱的小事。 Une Journee A Paris,这也许是巴黎人的某个美丽小细节吧。虽然我从来没有去过巴黎,可是我确觉得巴黎星期三的场景并不难想象,狭窄的石子路,窗口的花,恋人,小朋友,午后阳光或是阴雨朦朦...他们要表现的都是些小细节,而我们的生活也是因为那些小细节而美丽。

Romance a Paris.JPG Pendant blue.JPG 


蓝色的这条我看到第一眼就爱上了, 我果然更喜欢银色, 金色的那条其实更加俏皮,只是因为它的颜色我就对它多了一点点偏见少了那么些爱。

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I don't know how other people think about the word Mr Right,  in my opionion,  there is no some one can be right on everything, especially in a relationship. Maybe lukcy like you, having a guy who can meet most of your imagination about a men, but still, he makes some mistakes, does wrong things sometime, he maybe is your Mr Right but he could never be your Mr Perfect.

It is true that no one can do all the things right, but if we all know and correctly understand this truth of the truth, why we still asking, looking and waiting for a PERFECT men in a relationship?

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  • Jun 11 Thu 2009 14:41
  • 2.42

I never deeply thought about a broken family has such a huge impact on me. My lack of security on my relationship, my cautious, my bad temper...I don't know why ppl can be this imperfect. I used to think I'm a good person, at least I'm a person who knows how to control myself, but after I fell in love I realized that all the things, theories I 'v got are totally bullshit. I cannot control myself at all, even a single moment, I'm freaking irrational, self-indulgent; even though, sometimes, I know I was absolutely wrong and acting stupid, I just cannot let myself stop. 

Another thing always bothers me is my boyfirend's x. I know I should let the x be the x, but this is such a tough task. I cannot stop peeking her blog, how pathetic am I... sigh... Sometimes I try to remind myself that I'm lucky to have a boyfriend like him, smart, polite, knows how to social with others which I can never be an expert on that area till I die, and he made me happy, though I cry, yep, I could cry every single day, I'm a cry baby, but most of time being with him are simple and wonderful, although I know all of these, I just can't stop doing those stupid things, and thinking those wasted stuff.

what shall I do??  what heck is wrong with me?

why when we critic others we always feel sooooo easy, it's like we born with that critic thing,  we know all the right things and wrong things, and we always awakening, and always prepare to say something sooo right. However, when we talking about ourselves or when we face the same situations we could just do wrong, suddenly we change into another person, and this new person can do anything right even he/she knows this is so damn wrong. Why this kind of thing always happen in the relationship, and they happen so simply?

too many questions in my head, and my tiny little brain obviously cannot answer it all. tired, sleepy, guess go to bed,have a nice sleep is the most right thing of the right things I should and I really have to do. I know I'll forget all the lines I wrote here after having a sweet dream, but I also know that there will be another night I couldn't close my eyes and come here to write more bullshit than I'm doing right now.

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爱情果然让人迷茫。我还是羡慕那些穿梭在这喧哗的人世间还活得怡然自得的人,也许他们也并没能怡然自得,是我们偶然的错觉罢了。 有多少人的初恋不是被泪水浸泡的呢? 还是那些人真的太聪明,懂得进退,知道难得糊涂的道理? 年轻气盛的我们,何时才能有那么一刻学会让自己轻松些呢? 爱情里的快乐总夹带着悲伤吧,两者总不会都那么的纯粹,起码我是这么理解的, 很多美好其实也只不过是些泡影, 而我们大部分也都是二手货的流通者,我说这些活也许显得太悲观,可惜事实正式如此的残忍。 渺小的我们何必较真,何必沉溺于幸福或者是对某个人的恋恋不舍呢? 为什么我们不能在爱情这个问题上随遇而安呢? 对啊,这些也只不过是能更加证明我们自身渺小的证据。 那糊涂的你,今天又为谁哭了,为谁笑了,又在哪一秒想把谁放弃,而又在那一秒后的千分之一秒再次扑进了谁的怀抱?


我真希望明年可以去趟Iceland, 虽然说突然冒出这句话很奇怪,可是实在是太想去了。

改天买个地图挂家里,我要把所有想去的地方标出来,虽然我的地理超级烂,还好我有my beloved boyfriend, 这些问题统统抛给他就好了。

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